We offer a few options for being creative.
Sip n Paints, Wood/Home Décor, Candle Making, kid bday parties and so much more
Sip n Paints, Wood/Home Décor, Candle Making, kid bday parties and so much more
Register for upcoming classes below
Join a Community Workshop?
Open for all to join either on the specific date or during open studio hours. Registration is required
Prices vary on project and class
Prices vary on project and class
Want to book a private workshop?
Minimum of 5 for a private workshop. We work with our current Artesian to offer private classes!
Community ClassesEVERYONE is welcome to join us for our community classes. These are not a private class and open to community! Check the workshop calendar above for class dates and times.
If you Learn More.... |
Birthday PartiesCelebrate your Birthday with us. You choose what project you want to do and we provide the supplies and materials needed for the project.Each guest enjoys creating while celebrating that special day! The cost per child covers project costs, instruction and rental fee. Learn More...
Private WorkshopsWant to celebrate a special occasion or looking for a fun night out with friends. Book a private VIP Class!
Bring your favorite drinks/snack and let us provide the projects! Seasonal Class projects require a minimum of 5 guests, $35 project Signs require a minimum of 10. Learn More.... |